本片改编自前南非总统曼德拉在1994年出版的同名自传。 他是个赤脚通山走的乡村男孩;他是个高呼自由万岁的热血青年律师;他是反政府的武装革命领袖;他是个被监禁、放逐及劳役27年的政治犯;他是南非史上首个民主选举中当选的第一位黑人总统,他的名字叫曼德拉。 曼德拉(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)奉献一生反抗种族隔离政策,他由革命战士变成和平斗士,把一个严重种族分裂的国家变成平等和谐国度,为全世界树立榜样,但却付出了沉重代价。曼德拉43岁时被控以企图推翻政府等罪名判处无期徒刑,与妻子温妮(娜奥米·哈里斯 Naomie Harris 饰)天各一方,从此没有机会陪伴自己的子孙成长。即使在监禁27年后他终于重获自由,更成为万民敬仰的总统及英雄人物,但却失去了一生中最爱的女人——长年的分离与政治迫害,把两夫妻的距离越拉越远,当曼德拉宣扬和平宽容的理念,温妮却背负着仇恨宣战。在人民的自由和所爱的女人之间,曼德拉作出了沉痛的抉择。
Based on the internationally acclaimed Tudor murder mystery novels by C.J. Sansom, the four-part drama is set in 16th century England during the dissolution of the monasteries. The series will follow the story of Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer with an acute sense of justice and one of the few honest men in a world beset with scheming and plots. Shardlake works for Thomas Cromwell, the dangerous and all-powerful right-hand man to Henry VIII. Despite Shardlake’s unwavering loyalty to Cromwell and the Crown, his position in society is unfavored due to his appearance, as a person living with scoliosis during the Tudor period, suffering the indignity of being abused as a “crookback” wherever he turns. As he investigates the murder of one of Cromwell’s commissioners at a monastery in the remote town of Scarnsea, he is accompanied by Jack Barak, a cocky and good-looking character who may be Cromwell’s spy.